SOLID Principles: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

Hussein Reda
2 min readOct 25, 2020


  • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
  • Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
  • components should depend on abstraction.

module need to manage high-level functionality with zero implementation details this allows the module to be used for any type of application and for all modules inside the application.

  • Example:

we have an existing system which sends notifications to users by email

public class Email{public void sendMail(){// send mail 
public class Notification{private Email _email;public Notification(){_email = new Email();
public void promotionalNotification(){_email.sendMail();

And if we need to send a notification by SMS, we need to change email to SMS in this class, which violates DIP, because the parent class doesn’t depend on abstraction, it has a specific data tie to it.

we can solve it by:

1. create an interface.

public interface Messeneger{void sendMessage();

2. create classes implements this interface.

public class Email implements Messenger{void sendMessage(){// send email
public class SMS implements Messenaer{void sendMessage(){// send SMS

3. build class Notification which has Messenger property.

public class Notification{private Messenger _messenger;public Notification(){_messenger = new Email();
public void promotionalNotification(){_messeager.sendMessage();

You can replace crate a new object in three ways:

1. Constructor injection:

passing data to Notification Constructor

public class Notification{private Messenger _messenger;public Notification(Messenger messenger){_messenger= messenger;
public void promotionalNotification(){_messenger.sendMessage();

2. Property injection:

use the setter to set a Property of Notification class

public class Notification{private Messenger messenger;public void setMessenger(Messenger messenger) {
this.messenger= messenger;
public void promotionalNotification(){_messenger.sendMessage();

3. Method injection:

pass object data to the method we want to use directly in Notification class

public class Notification{public void promotionalNotification(Messenger messenger){messenger.sendMessage();

continuo to the rest of SOLID



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